Can You Define Food Sovereignty?
“Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems.”
– As defined by La Via Campesina
North Country Food Alliance (NCFA) is a worker-run non-profit that takes action to strengthen food sovereignty in the Twin Cities Metro Area. With your help, we share healthy, culturally appropriate food; build community gardens; support local farmers; and reduce commercial and local food waste.
Join us in providing nourishing food for body, mind, and place. Give now to help end food waste and empower our neighbors with abundant access to healthy, sustainable, and culturally appropriate foods. Thank you!
Learn More About Our Work
Save & Share
Our foodshare program collects surplus food from farms, grocery stores, and distribution centers, and transports it to local groups that provide food support.
Create & Educate
Our garden program builds and maintains community gardens in the Twin Cities, teaching people to grow healthy food and creating more access.

Community Funded
Did We Come to Your Door?
We come to each neighborhood just once a year to collect financial donations. Your generous donations allow our programs to thrive.
Thank you!
Note: we have relaunched our canvass program with safety precautions in place, and hope to connect with you at the door again soon!
Take Action
Help us end food waste and strengthen food sovereignty! Here are three simple things you can do.
As a community funded organization, we depend on your donation to expand our programming.
Subscribe to our email newsletter to keep yourself informed! Emails go out approximately once a month.
Offer your services by signing up to volunteer! Most volunteer opportunities are with local food recovery and gardening.