Fall Update 2017
NCFA employee Sasha at the Wedge Co-op.
Greetings friends and supporters!
We’re excited to remind everyone that the Wedge Co-op (2105 Lyndale Ave S. in Minneapolis) & the Wedge Table (2412 Nicollet Ave S. in Minneapolis) are donating to North Country Food Alliance this month through their Change Matters round-up program. Through the end of September when you shop at either the Wedge Co-op or the Wedge Table you can help by rounding up your change as a donation to our work. You can read more about this partnership here: https://www.wedge.coop/september-register-round/
Expanding Foodshare:
Plain and simple, despite working with dozens of Groceries, Co-ops, distribution warehouses, farmers markets, and bakeries in the past 4 years we need to find more sources of food. There are dozens of wonderful organizations we communicate with who are making real impacts on the quality of people’s lives in the Twin Cities. From the Center for Victims of Torture, to PRIZM there are many organizations that could make sure more food could get to the dinner tables of the most at-need people in our communities, but to be blunt we are unable to fulfill every request for food we get. You can help us with this!
Are you a loyal customer of a favorite grocery store? We encourage you to ask them what they do with their surplus food (especially produce). If they are not already donating that food to charity then please urge them to contact North Country Food Alliance and work with us to get that food to people in need. Sometimes a comment card filled out by a loyal customer is all the push they need to take action and decide to work with us.
This year we grew (and are still growing) healthy fruits and vegetables in our two main garden plots. Our newest plot in North Minneapolis had had a successful first season providing healthy food for people in that neighborhood while our second year of our Saint Paul North End garden has also been fruitful (literally). Here are some pictures of our 2017 gardening success:
As always you can donate on our website here and contact us for any reason by email or phone. Once again thank you all for your continued support!
Sincerely and in solidarity,
The workers at North Country Food Alliance